Baptism is a public declaration which marks one’s personal identification with Christ.

What is Baptism?

Often, being baptized is the first step of obedience we take after accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

Jesus himself made the command for us to be baptized after coming to a place of repentance for our sin.

Baptism does not make you a believer. It simply shows that you already believe in the Lord.
Baptism does not save you. Only faith in the Lord Jesus Christ does.

Baptism can be though of much like a wedding ring – it’s an outward
symbol of a commitment in your heart to be fully identified with Christ.

John 3:5 “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”

Additional Scriptures: Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:21; Acts 2:38-39; Acts 22:14-16

Baptism - Glory and Power Ministries in Angus, Ontario


As soon as you make the decision that you believe – and that you have put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are ready for water baptism. If you’ve made the conscious choice to repent of your sin and believe in your heart that Jesus is your personal Saviour, then baptism is your next step in your faith journey.

The next step when you are ready for baptism is to contact one of our pastors. Click this link to EMAIL A PASTOR NOW.

After your baptism, your pastor will help you determine your best next steps on your personal journey. The pastor will help you find a fit in the Glory and Power Ministries community.

At Glory and Power we dedicate children unto the Lord, rather than baptize them. Baptism is a reflection of an individual’s carefully considered decision to follow Jesus. This is why we wait to baptize children until they are old enough to fully understand and believe. For information on dedications click here: Baby Dedications