Glory and Power Ministries came together during the tough times over the past few years. We are a church body of passionate followers of Christ who are dedicated in giving both our time and our ‘tithes and offerings’ – in our best effort to faithfully serve and advance the Kingdom of God.

You might be asking what the difference is between a person who attends church regularly and someone who does the same thing – but is called a Partner? And why does this even matter?

We look at it this way:

Have you ever met someone with a Health Club membership that doesn’t even go to the gym?
We all understand that simply being a member of something does not mean that there is always any meaningful engagement that follows.

Therefore, we see partnership as a deeper commitment which requires a greater measure of integrity in order to ensure the best stewardship of the blessings that we have to share.

Partnership tells us you wish to make a formal commitment to the vision and mission of Glory and Power Ministries and will become mutually accountable with the Leadership. It tells us you are willing to take ownership of, and responsibility for, our church family by giving some of your time, gifting and financial support each year.

What is the Mission of Glory and Power Ministries?


We live in a troubled world that is falling farther away from God and yet still needs desperately to know Him.
We’re committed to the servant-leadership necessary to effect outreach and engage in ministry that reveals God’s great love.

How is Glory and Power Ministries doing this?

Values – We are guided into action by our Core Values (Christ-Centred, Engaged in Community, Mission Focused, Action Oriented, Development of Servant Leaders, Accepting, and Embracing Positive Change). 

Proclaim – We will boldly proclaim the Word of God in our Sunday services and through our outreach projects. We will do so with simple truth – communicated through a tender heart, inviting the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives through His work and our repentance.

Care – We will do our best to equip disciples to study the Bible, pray, and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. We will also equip them to teach others to do the same through specific ministries where people are mentored and cared for.

Serve – We will strive to consistently serve the real needs of those in our community by being fully present with anyone who is far from God and needing the truth and encouragement of God’s love.

The Partnership Commitment

A Partner in the mission of Glory and Power Ministries is committed to:

1. Being a follower of Jesus Christ and believe the fundamental truths of the Bible

  •  The Bible is the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:15-16)
  •  In one God, eternally existent in three person: Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 3:16,17; Mark 12:29)
  •  In the virgin birth, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 7:14; Romans 8:34; Acts 1:10-11)
  •  In the forgiveness of sin through Jesus (Isaiah 55:7; Romans 4:23-25; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
  •  In water baptism as a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:3-5)
  •  In divine healing (Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16-17; James 5:13, 14)
  •  In the power of the Holy Spirit to help us live a holy life (Hebrew 12:14; Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 15:8-9)
  •  In the second coming of Jesus Christ (Acts 24:15; Matthew 24:30,31; Revelation 20:11-15)

2. Regularly attend services at our church location, or commit to distance study under a Pastor.

3. Participate in a Group -or- actively serve in a volunteer capacity in Glory and Power Ministries.

4. Regularly support of the church with your finances, fully understanding God’s biblical principles and instructions regarding tithes and offerings.

We believe that giving is an integral part of our obedient relationship with God. It acknowledges God as the source and owner of everything we have (James 1:17). It demonstrates our trust that God will provide for us. 

5. Striving to maintain a lifestyle with behaviour aligned with biblical principles in a way that honours Jesus Christ and the partnership with Glory and Power Ministries.

As such, partners are expected to :

  • Be growing spiritually as evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit.
  • Read your Bible regularly, and pray on your own and corporately.
  • Refrain from acts or or any other behaviour that doesn’t align with biblical principles or would improperly represent Jesus Christ.


Join a Group or a Volunteer Team. We want all of our partners to be actively engaged in the life of the church. Therefore, the first step in partnership is to become active in either attending a group or serving in a volunteer position.

Submit your application. Please take your time reading through all the Partnership information before completing your application. We understand that a commitment of this type should not be taken too lightly.

Meet with a board member. Our team will forward your request for partnership to a board member who will meet with you to review the information and get to know you a little better.

Await confirmation. If you are not yet able to commit to the expectations of Partnership, (ie: you still need to join a Group or commit to a serving team, or you haven’t yet started tithing), the board member will let you know how to get started and will return your application for you to resubmit once you can fulfil the various expectations for engagement.

Once the board member confirms that you are committed to the expectations of a Partner, your application will be included in the next board meeting agenda for final approval. Within a couple of weeks of the meeting, you can expect to receive a letter of welcome into partnership.

Renewable Partnership

Recognizing that people’s situation’s change and that it’s sometimes easy to forget to update the church leadership on any new contact info or situation, Glory and Power has a partnership renewal process in place. Aside from it being a method of accountability, it helps keep our quorum accurate at Annual Business Meetings and it keeps our records up to date for ongoing communication.

Each fall, every Partner will be sent a simple renewal form. An online form will be sent to those who have an email address on file, and the rest will receive a form by mail. All you need to do is answer yes or no to the five statements, and submit them by the end of the November. If your information and situation have stayed the same, so will your Partnership status. If you aren’t able to commit to one or more of the expectations, your Partnership will lapse, and you’ll be invited to chat with someone from the leadership team about your situation.

If you have questions about partnership you can contact our office and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Yes! Without Partnership, the government would not recognize Glory and Power Ministries as an official charitable organization. Without that designation, Glory and Power Ministries would not be able to function as required.

Yes. We won’t be able to process your application if you aren’t committed to the expectations of a Partner, including joining a Group or serving on a ministry team. You can start either process by finding a Group to join or speaking to a Pastor about volunteering. You can also complete our electronic Connection Card and someone from our team will follow up with you.

Sort of. We encourage you to let your previous church know you are attending a new church, and we will gladly receive any transfer of membership letter as a recommendation and reference. However, it is important to us that you understand what Glory and Power Ministries is all about and that you are committed to the expectations of Partnership specific to Glory and Power. Therefore, we will still ask you to follow the partnership process as listed above.

As mentioned above, we’re choosing our words carefully by using the term PARTNERSHIP. Membership is often associated with things like subscriptions, gyms and golf memberships: you pay your fees and you get the privileges with no real requirement that you do anything at all. We don’t believe that’s the case here. This is a partnership. This is linking arms and walking side by side together toward a common goal. We’re in a spiritual war and we’re partners together in that.

Yes. We’re entrusting Group Leaders and high-level Ministry Leaders with people who matter deeply to us. Because of the level of influence you will have, and the trust required as you lead and disciple people, these individuals need to be confident that you are accountable to the leadership of Glory and Power Ministries. We as leaders need to be assured that you represent our overall mission well.


  1. As a Partner, it is your privilege and responsibility to attend  Annual Business Meetings. As a partner, you are able to participate in the voting process for major decisions and church board elections (usually occurring once each year).
  2. As a Partner, you may be eligible and possibly called upon for higher leadership positions that may arise.

If you have other questions please contact our office.

Apply For Partnership


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